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ABC4: House Republicans push to get bills through before leadership change

Congress is back to work in the nation's capital, and for House Republicans, it's go time. That's because the new year will bring new leadership with Democrats taking over. "It's going to be a mad rush to try to accomplish all the things that they have trying to accomplish in the past year, or two, in the next six weeks," said Hinckley Institute director Jason Perry. Representative John Curtis will be part of that mad rush, pushing some of the bills he's working on.
"We have a rural broadband permitting bill that's very important to rural Utah, we, of course, have our public lands bill for Emery County that's extremely important, we have a small business bill that really would help with small business loans that we want to get across the finish line," said Curtis, (R) Utah.
Most of his bills are already through the House, but he's still gearing up for a fight. "It's tough. Everybody knows it's a lame duck session. It's a session where people are going to be trying to push off anything that can be pushed off, so my whole team is engaged and we are hopeful we can do some good things for Utah,” said Curtis. House Republicans will have one more shot at the budget. Perry says December 7, 2018, is the day to get the budget through or settle for another continuing resolution. He says there will be some bickering over the big-ticket items. "Including Homeland Security, that is one they are going to be looking at great length for funding and that will include the wall," Perry said. President Trump is seeking $5 billion for the border wall. Perry says it will likely get pushed down the road with a continuing resolution.